Thursday, June 9, 2011


      It is time to make some changes! We as a community need to evaluate the way we live and consume goods on an industrial scale. We need to start living more efficiently.  I have always been interested in being environmentally conscience. Growing up I was involved in Boy Scouts and actively participated in environmental projects aimed at bettering our local community. Like any normal person I recycle at home and go on the occasional "trash run" around town, telling myself that I am helping Mother Earth. It wasn't until I chose to do a school project on sustainable living and got some facts on Industrial Agriculture that I realized I had only seen the tip of the ice-burg when it comes to the environmental problems our world faces. I bought books on sustainable living. I found ways to continue my new found interest in being environmentally conscience through my college classes. Whenever there is a class project I find a way to incorporate my environmental interests and present them to my class. (Subsequently this has been quite beneficial to my overall grades. When you feel strongly about an idea you give your best work!) After presenting numerous projects and getting an occasional student who seemed sincerely interested I decided I need to be more hands on if I'm to make a noticeable difference in improving our environment. I started doing projects around my parents house. This turned into me setting up sustainable living designs for others. I encourage friends to do projects at their house's; I started this blog.
      So what are these projects, you might ask. Well, let me tell you about what I have been working on! Although my imagination swirls with ideas I have focused my efforts on three different methods of sustainable living: Aquaponics, grey-water irrigation, and animal husbandry. (More specifically chickens.) Lets talk about each method more specifically.

      Aquaponics- combining fish and hydroponics to form a symbiotic system that provides an almost endless supply of vegetable and fish produce. This process works because of the Nitrogen Cycle. fish food and fish waste breaks down into Ammonia, the Ammonia is converted into Nitrites. Nitrites are broken down into Nitrates, which the plants can then use for food. Here is a great example of the Nitrogen Cycle from www.backyardaquaponics.com

                                    The Nitrogen Cycle


      You may once again ask yourself, OK well i get you mix fish waste and plants to get food, but what does it look like, and how does the process start? There are a few different types of aquaponics systems that are favored today but they all start with a fish stock pond. The fish water is pumped to the vegetables through different means. Deep Water Culture Method- when the plant roots sit and grow submerged in water. Constant flow Method- the water is constantly pumped over the plant roots. Flood and Drain or Ebb and Flow Method- filling the bed with water and letting it drain. I am using the Flood and Drain Method.


      Animal Husbandry breeding, and feeding of domestic animals and farm animals. My focus is on chickens. For many years now my family and I have been raising chickens. It is easy to do, cost effective, and quite entertaining! The chickens themselves are a great source of protein, not to mention each chicken, once started, can lay over 300 eggs a year! If that's not enough chickens are fantastic at keeping bugs and insects under control in your garden and backyard.

     Grey-Water Irrigation-   Using the water draining from your washer machine, sinks, showers to irrigate your non edible greenery.
(Photos soon coming!)
     Really there are countless ways to be environmentally conscience its just up to your imagination. I have chosen to research these methods first because I have experience in building each design I discussed. I will be exploring other methods of sustainable living and self sufficiency. I encourage others to ask questions and participate. Through our actions we can inspire others to get involved. We can make a difference in our community; in our world and it starts now!
         -Josh Ball

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